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- 2017 -
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| Data-Driven Synthesis of Smoke Flows with CNN-based Feature Descriptors [CITE]
Mengyu Chu, Nils Thuerey
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM, 2017
Project: [WWW]
| Perceptual Evaluation of Liquid Simulation Methods [CITE]
Kiwon Um, Xiangyu Hu, Nils Thuerey
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM, 2017
Project: [WWW]
| Robust eXtended Finite Elements for Complex Cutting of Deformables [CITE]
Dan Koschier, Jan Bender, Nils Thuerey
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM, 2017
Project: [WWW]
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
| Hierarchical Vorticity Skeletons [CITE]
Sebastian Eberhardt, Steffen Weissmann, Ulrich Pinkall, Nils Thuerey
Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA '12); Eurographics/ACM, 2017
Project: [WWW]
| Pre-computed Liquid Spaces with Generative Neural Networks [CITE]
Boris Bonev, Lukas Prantl, Nils Thuerey
arXiv; , 2017
Project: [WWW]
App: [WWW]
Preview-Video: [WWW]
| Liquid Splash Modeling with Neural Networks [CITE]
Kiwon Um, Xiangyu Hu, Nils Thuerey
arXiv; , 2017
Preprint: [PDF]
| Primal-Dual Optimization for Fluids [CITE]
Tiffany Inglis, Marie-Lena Eckert, James Gregson, Nils Thuerey
Computer Graphics Forum; Wiley, 2017
Project: [WWW]
| - 2016 -
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| SMASH: Physics-guided Reconstruction of Collisions from Videos [CITE]
Aron Monszpart, Nils Thuerey, Niloy Mitra
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia); ACM, 2016
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
Video: [AVI]
Project: [WWW]
| Dispersion Kernels for Water Wave Simulation [CITE]
Jose-Angel Canabal Delgado, David Miraut, Nils Thuerey, Theodore Kim, Javier Portilla, Miguel Otaduy
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia); ACM, 2016
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MP4]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| Interpolations of Smoke and Liquid Simulations [CITE]
Nils Thuerey
Transactions on Graphics; ACM, 2016
Project: [WWW]
Code: [github]
| Example-based Plastic Deformation of Rigid Bodies [CITE]
Ben Jones, Nils Thuerey, Tamar Shinar, Adam Bargteil
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM, 2016
Paper: [PDF]
Project: [WWW]
Video: [WWW]
| Narrow Band FLIP for Liquid Simulations [CITE]
Florian Ferstl, Ryoichi Ando, Chris Wojtan, Ruediger Westermann, Nils Thuerey
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics'16); Eurographics Association, 2016
Paper: [PDF]
Project: [WWW]
Video: [WWW]
Code: [TGZ]
| - 2015 -
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| Surface Turbulence for Particle-Based Liquid Simulations [CITE]
Olivier Mercier, Cynthia Beauchemin, Nils Thuerey, Theodore Kim, Derek Nowrouzezahrai
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia); ACM, 2015
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [AVI]
Video: [WWW]
| A Stream Function Solver for Liquid Simulations [CITE]
Ryoichi Ando, Nils Thuerey, and Chris Wojtan
Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM, 2015
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
Supp.-Vid.: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| A Dimension-reduced Pressure Solver for Liquid Simulations [CITE]
Ryoichi Ando, Nils Thuerey, and Chris Wojtan
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics); Eurographics Association, 2015
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| - 2014 -
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| Blending Liquids [CITE]
Karthik Raveendran, Nils Thuerey, Chris Wojtan, Greg Turk
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2014
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
| From Capture to Simulation - Connecting Forward and Inverse Problems in Fluids [CITE]
James Gregson, Nils Thuerey, Ivo Ihrke, Wolfgang Heidrich
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2014
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [AVI]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| - 2013 -
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| Highly Adaptive Liquid Simulations on Tetrahedral Meshes [CITE]
Ryoichi Ando, Nils Thuerey, Chris Wojtan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2013
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| Closest-Point Turbulence for Liquid Surfaces [CITE]
Theodore Kim, Jerry Tessendorf, Nils Thuerey
ACM Transactions on Graphics; ACM Press, 2013
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| - 2012 -
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| Lagrangian Vortex Sheets for Animating Fluids [CITE]
Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2012
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MP4]
Video: [WWW]
| Controlling Fluids using Meshes [CITE]
Karthik Raveendran, Nils Thuerey, Chris Wojtan, Greg Turk
Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA '12); Eurographics Association, 2012
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
| - 2011 -
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| Preserving Fluid Sheets with Adaptively Sampled Anisotropic Particles [CITE]
Ryoichi Ando, Nils Thuerey, Reiji Tsuruno
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics; IEEE, 2011
Preprint: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| - 2010 -
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| Scalable Fluid Simulation using Anisotropic Turbulence Particles [CITE]
Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey, Jonathan Cohen, Sarah Tariq, Markus Gross
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia); ACM Press, 2010
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MP4]
Video: [WWW]
Project: [WWW]
| A Multiscale Approach to Mesh-based Surface Tension Flows [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Chris Wojtan, Markus Gross, Greg Turk
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2010
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
Video: [WWW]
| Physics-Inspired Topology Changes for Thin Fluid Features [CITE]
Chris Wojtan, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross, Greg Turk
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2010
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
Video: [WWW]
| - 2009 -
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| Synthetic Turbulence using Artificial Boundary Layers [CITE]
Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey, Andrew Selle, Markus Gross
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia); ACM Press, 2009
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
Video: [WWW]
Sources: [TGZ]
| Deforming Meshes that Split and Merge [CITE]
Chris Wojtan, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross and Greg Turk
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2009
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
Video: [WWW]
| Visibility Transition Planning for Real-Time Camera Control [CITE]
Thomas Oskam, Robert W. Sumner, Nils Thuerey, Markus Gross
SCA '09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation; Eurographics Association, 2009
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
| Detail-Preserving Fluid Control [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Richard Keiser, Ulrich Ruede, Mark Pauly
Graphical Models; Elsevier, 2009
Paper-Online: [WWW]
Video: [AVI]
Video: [WWW]
| - 2008 -
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| Wavelet Turbulence for Fluid Simulation [CITE]
Theodore Kim, Nils Thuerey, Doug James, Markus Gross
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH); ACM Press, 2008
Webpage: [WWW]
Source-code: [WWW]
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [WWW]
| Robust and Efficient Wave Simulations on Deforming Meshes [CITE]
Roland Angst, Nils Thuerey, Mario Botsch, Markus Gross
Computer Graphics Forum; Blackwell Publishing, 2008
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
| Stable free surface flows with the lattice Boltzmann method on adaptively coarsened grids [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Ulrich Ruede
Computing and Visualization in Science; Springer, 2009
Online: [WWW]
Preprint: [PDF]
Video: [AVI] [MPG]
| The ETH Game Programming Laboratory: A Capstone for Computer Science and Visual Computing [CITE]
Robert Sumner, Nils Thuerey and Markus Gross
Game Development in Computer Science Education (GDCSE); ACM, 2008
Paper: [PDF]
Course: [WWW]
| - 2007 -
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| Hybrid Parallelization Techniques for Lattice Boltzmann Free Surface Flows [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Thomas Pohl and Ulrich Ruede
Proceedings of Parallel CFD 2007; -, 2007
Paper: [PDF]
| Simulation of moving particles in 3D with the Lattice Boltzmann method [CITE]
Klaus Iglberger, Nils Thuerey and Ulrich Ruede
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science; Elsevier, 2008
Webpage: [WWW]
| Real-time Breaking Waves for Shallow Water Simulations [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Matthias Mueller-Fischer, Simon Schirm, Markus Gross
Proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007; IEEE Computer Society, 2007
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
| Real-time simulations of bubbles and foam within a shallow water framework [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Filip Sadlo, Simon Schirm, Matthias Mueller-Fischer and Markus Gross
SCA '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation; Eurographics Association, 2007
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MOV]
| - 2006 -
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| Detail-Preserving Fluid Control [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Richard Keiser, Ulrich Ruede and Mark Pauly
SCA '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation; Eurographics Association, 2006
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [AVI]
| Animation of Open water Phenomena with coupled Shallow Water and Free Surface Simulation [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, U. Ruede and M. Stamminger
SCA '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation; Eurographics Association, 2006
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [AVI]
| Free Surface Flows with Moving and Deforming Objects for LBM [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, K. Iglberger and U. Ruede
Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2006; IOS Press, 2006
Paper: [PDF]
Video: [MPG]
| Enhanced Motion Blur Calculation with Optical Flow [CITE]
Yuan Zheng, Harald Koestler, Nils Thuerey and Ulrich Ruede
Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2006; IOS Press, 2006
Paper: [PDF]
| Simulation of the Hydrodynamic Drag of Aggregated Particles [CITE]
Christian Binder, Christian Feichtinger, Hans-Joachim Schmid, Nils Thuerey, Wolfgang Peukert and Ulrich Ruede
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science; Elsevier, 2006
Paper online: [WWW]
| Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Methods for CFD Applications [CITE]
Carolin Koerner, Thomas Pohl, Ulrich Ruede, Nils Thuerey and Thomas Zeiser
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers; Springer, 2006
Book Chaper: [PDF]
Book: [Table of Contents]
| Optimization and Stabilization of LBM Free Surface Flow Simulations using Adaptive Parameterization [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Thomas Pohl, Ulrich Ruede, Markus Oechsner and Carolin Koerner
Computers and Fluids; Elsevier, 2006
Webpage: [WWW]
Preprint: [PDF]
| - 2005 -
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| Lattice Boltzmann Model for Free Surface Flow for Modeling Foaming [CITE]
Carolin Koerner, Michael Thies, Thomas Hofmann, Nils Thuerey and Ulrich Ruede
Journal of Statistical Physics; Springer, 2005
Paper: [PDF]
| - 2004 -
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| Free Surface Lattice-Boltzmann fluid simulations with and without level sets [CITE]
Nils Thuerey and U. Ruede
Proc. of Vision, Modelling, and Visualization VMV; IOS Press, 2004
Paper: [PDF]
Poster: [PDF]
| Performance Evaluation of Parallel Large-Scale Lattice Boltzmann Applications on Three Supercomputing Architectures [CITE]
Thomas Pohl, Frank Deserno, Nils Thuerey, Ulrich Ruede, Peter Lammers, Gerhard Wellein and Thomas Zeiser
SC '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing; IEEE Computer Society, 2004
Paper: [PDF]
TechReport: [PDF] [PS.GZ]
| - 2002 -
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| Performance Optimization of 3D Multigrid on Hierarchical Memory Architectures [CITE]
Markus Kowarschik, Ulrich Ruede, Nils Thuerey and Christian Weiss
Proceedings of PARA'02; Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Paper: [PDF]
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| - 2011 -
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| The Design and Development of Computer Games [CITE]
Markus Gross, Robert Sumner, Nils Thuerey
The Design of Material, Organism, and Minds (Editors: S. Lang, M. Hampe); Springer, 2011
Online: [WWW]
Preprint: [PDF]
| - 2008 -
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| Real-time Physics, SIGGRAPH 2008 Course
Matthias Mueller-Fischer, Doug James, Jos Stam, Nils Thuerey
Webpage: [WWW]
SWS-source-code: [TGZ]
LBM-source-code: [TGZ]
Course-notes: [PDF]
| Magic Fluid Control, Animation
Nils Thuerey, Mark Pauly, Richard Keiser, Ulrich Ruede
Video: [MPG]
Webpage: [WWW]
Video (uploaded by someone else): [WWW]
| - 2007 -
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| Physically based Animation of Free Surface Flows with the Lattice Boltzmann Method [CITE]
N. Thuerey
PhD thesis; Dept. of Computer Science 10, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2007
Thesis: [PDF]
| - 2006 -
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| Fluid Simulation with Blender [CITE]
Nils Thuerey
Dr. Dobbs Journal; CMP Media, 2006
Webpage: [WWW]
| - 2005 -
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| Simulation of moving Nano-Particles with the Lattice Boltzmann Method in 3D [CITE]
Iglberger, Nils Thuerey, Ulrich Ruede, H.-J. Schmid and W. Peukert
Proceedings of ASIM '05; SCS Publishing House, 2005
Paper: [PDF]
| Drag Force Simulations of Particle Agglomerates with the Lattice-Boltzmann Method [CITE]
Christian Feichtinger, Nils Thuerey, Ulrich Ruede, Christian Binder, Hans Schmid, Wolfgang Peukert
Proceedings of ASIM '05; SCS Publishing House, 2005
Paper: [PDF]
| Optimized Free Surface Fluids on Adaptive Grids with the Lattice Boltzmann Method [CITE]
Nils Thuerey and Ulrich Ruede
Poster; SIGGRAPH '05, 2005
Video: [AVI]
Poster: [PDF]
Abstract: [PDF]
| Interactive Free Surface Fluids with the Lattice Boltzmann Method [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Carolin Koerner and Ulrich Ruede
Technical Report 05-4; Department of Computer Science 10 System Simulation, 2005
Report: [PDF]
Video: [DivX] [MPG]
| - 2003 -
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| Simulation von Metallschaum mittels der Lattice-Boltzmann Methode [CITE]
Nils Thuerey, Ulrich Ruede and Carolin Koerner
Konwihr Quartl; KONWIHR, 2003
Paper: [PDF]
| A Lattice Boltzmann method for single-phase free surface flows in 3D [CITE]
Nils Thuerey
Master thesis; Dept. of Computer Science 10, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2003
Thesis: [PDF] [PS.GZ]
| - 2002 -
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| Cache Optimizations for Multigrid in 3D [CITE]
Nils Thuerey
Semester thesis; Dept. of Computer Science 10, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2002
Thesis: [PDF]